Thursday, 5 August 2010

'Setting', Carol Bove, 2006, Gold, metal, rods, driftwood, glass, concrete, peacock feathers, wood.

Having spent a few weeks collecting objects and making, it's time to move into E25 space to see how the pieces might work in our exhibition space.

At this point, reflecting on how I might install the works I am considering one sculpture in the centre of the room which is made up of ecletic elements but unified on a base structure. An example of a work which has similarities to my ideas is Carol Boves piece, see image. Bove is from Switzerland and her sculptural configurations bring together approriated objects and temporary materials. Her primary concern is very different to my own work as the tableaus allude to a reading of postwar history. However, the narratives which are reflected in the work associate with time and place which can be also be seen in my work. Bove's approach to the 'whitecube' gallery space is similar to sculptors such as Carl Andre and John McCracken but conceptually her work is derived from 1980's approriation. She creates a tension between the approriated objects and interior design layout outs and materials.

I decided againist using this method of unifiying my objects. And then I wondered why I felt the need to unify them at all? Why not let them stand on their own? But there still is something missing, I feel that developing dialogues between selected objects could be the way forward. I also want to maintain the physical connection between the work and the viewer so I would like to make the work as accessible as possible.

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